We develop software.
Simply. In a modern way.

What we can do

Perfection lies in Simplicity.

We are aware that our customer is not looking for software but wants his problem get solved. Software is just a tool. That is why we find out how you work, what are the main problems you deal with, what limitations you face and what are your plans for the future. Only then do we begin with the development. The software must work, support everything you need, and in the ideal case, you don’t even want to know about it at all. We solve the simple things the simple way. And the complicated ones too.


Open & wise

Professionals on your side


Modern architecture

Microservices, kubernetes, event-driven architecture, modularisation.  On-premise / cloud infrastructure. 
Flexibility, performance, scalability, availability, security.  CI/CD, release management. 
We will advise you.



Opensource integration platform.  API gateway.  Canonical data model, service catalogue. 
Synchronous / asynchronous integration patterns, process orchestration.  Mobile gateway.  Monitoring, alerts. Call us.



Big data, hadoop, optimization algorithms, dynamic pricing, automatic image processing, data modeling and much more. In our team you will find specialists who will help you.

Our story

Technology partners
